A Shared Adventure and Calling

As Pastor, I realize that the ministry of First Presbyterian Church is a shared adventure and calling. I want to thank the people of the church for supporting me in living out this vocation, even as I encourage you through my role as a Teaching Elder, and walk the road of discipleship together. There have been many recent events, and specifically I want to thank Presbyterian Women for leading the Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday on March 4, and Barbara Rolph for preaching and leading communion. It was a nice Sunday for me to sing with the choir and learn from others. Also, the Earth Care Committee (Bill Love, Marilyn Robertson, Margaret Ann Maricle, Dave and Lynn Pietz, Carol Curtis, along with Judy Labrie) hosted the Bee Keeping Workshop on March 10, and the hospitality and education was appreciated by all those present. Thank you for helping that workshop take place in such an amazing way. Also, although there are many other events and people to recognize, I would like to specifically mention the shared retreats with Cedar Hills Church. The retreat planning team met many, many times and these three Contemplative Prayer retreats went very well as they reached out to many people from the community, including several churches and some who do not have a church home. Finally, a special thanks to Gary Pietsch for creating a prayer shawl that was blessed and given to Mary Bauer. She is thankful to receive the special gift, and the prayers

Thank you to the retreat team, Sharon Anderson, Judy Labrie, Ginny Moody, Deborah Dickerson, Colin Moody, and the many others who helped these retreats happen. Also, a still ongoing project involves updating the church website. Sharon Anderson, Judy Labrie, Carol Curtis, Mickey Quinn and Kathleen Huntley, and I have given countless hours in meetings, project tasks, and design. It is getting closer to going public thanks to the work of Ubeity, LLC. Finally, for all those other projects and people I forgot to mention, I’m sorry about that. But everyone please feel included in my saying, Thank You for your active ministry. In Christ, may we continue to share God’s love and grace with the world.
Peace and All Good,
Pastor Andy

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