Is Kermit, the Frog, Right?


Remember he sang that it’s not easy being green? Sometimes it’s easy to feel discouraged, when we read that China is not accepting our recycled items, that few people look for items made from recycled products when they shop, and plastic storage bags may be almost too convenient to give up. But, there are hopeful happenings: some restaurants have responded positively to our suggestions that they only put out plastic straws when they are requested. Some cities and airlines have banned plastic straws. The Festival at Sandpoint had compostable plates, and compost and recycling bins; that was a wonderful example for the public! Personally, and as a congregation, we are in a continuing learning process about “Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle”. Individuals and the Earth Care team are learning to be advocates for the environment.
We need to remind ourselves that Earth Care is a spiritual, as well as an environmental, process. We are stewards of God’s creation. Sharon Anderson recommends a book with this theme: “Order of the Sacred Earth”, by Fox, Wilson, and Listug.

Marilyn & the Earth Care team

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