From the Pastor – November 2018

Does acupuncture work? That technique involving needles placed precisely on the body by trained healers has been practiced for generations. Some people use it, others don’t. Some see it as ancient healing art that definitely works, while skeptics may doubt this. I’ve not tried it, personally. Maybe someday I will, especially if pain gets unmanageable.
As our planet suffers and creation groans, there are also techniques to find deeper hope. Ancient truths can share their power, which is there all along waiting to be noticed. The Holy Spirit hears our prayer, like groans too deep for words. Prayers for peace and wholeness, healing and hope.
As the Community Peace Garden continues to take shape it is no mistake that the first element added a few years ago is the Peace Pole. Like acupuncture for the earth, peace poles around the community and the world are points of energy bringing healing to the planet. The hallowed ground around the pole, blessed and dedicated through ceremony, reminds us that all land is sacred and no place is God-forsaken. May Peace Prevail On Earth is a plea for people to wake up and become aware of our true place as an image and likeness of God. We all participate in life’s beauty even when we’re not paying attention. Even better when we notice.

This fall I’ve been especially aware of the sun’s location as it rises and sets further south on the horizon with each passing day. Try as I might, I cannot stop this migration which lengthens the shadow over my house with a frosty chill. Yet the movement itself bears witness to our participation in the dynamic nature of life. The planet spins on axis every day. The planet rotates around the sun every year. The planet follows the sun as we spiral in our galaxy among billions of other stars. And our galaxy is moving as the universe continues to expand. We shall not pass this way again, but are constantly moving forward in a spiral of energy and bubble of possibility.
Peace and All Good,
Pastor Andy

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