From the Pastor
FROM THE PASTOR… Summer has begun! In the summer, people generally do things a little differently than in the winter months. Even at church, we worship earlier because the sun…
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Update
ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING For 2018, First Presbyterian Church GAVE $935 FOR THE ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING SPECIAL OFFERING. Of particular interest to me was the part of…
A Song Called Integral
A Song Called Integral, by Andy Kennaly: Help me wake up, help me clean up, help me grow up, in Christ. Help me wake up, help me clean up, help…
Birthday’s April – 2018
2 Bill Love 3 Anne Marie Casey 6 Elizabeth Griswold 12 Lani Wahl 13 Barbara Rolph 16 Joyce Boeck 30 Pastor Andy & Dave Pietz “April hath put a spirit…
2017 Projects Completed Without Spending Money
We should rejoice about some accomplishments of the past year that did NOT drain the church budget or our personal budgets, because they were using the maxim of “Reuse, Repurpose,…