Peace Garden

The Presbytery of the Inland Northwest awarded a grant of $5,000 to the Peace Garden of First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint in June. Judy Labrie drafted the grant proposal, and others helped fine tune it. It highlights the activities of the congregation over the last year, and the intended missional focus of this project as a way to connect with the neighborhood. This grant will be used in the landscaping the south end of the Peace Garden, including a stone gravel pathway, two pear trees, garden beds, finishing the catering patio, installing the Little Free Library, and purchasing round picnic tables. Related to this project, the Rotary of Sandpoint is still planning on finishing the roof of the gazebo by installing cedar shakes. Also, at the recent Session meeting, the status of the Birch Tree was discussed. With his forestry knowledge, Bill Love mentioned that the birch tree is long past it’s natural life span, shows dead branches in the crown due to beetle infestation, and is a bit hazardous in terms of shedding branches even if the wind is calm. This is becoming a safety issue, especially when adding picnic tables and benches. Bids are being gathered for tree work. For the Peace Garden project, coordinating with a landscaper and possible tree work will soon lead to the completion of the southern phase of the garden. In the future, the northern phase will include installation of a prayer labyrinth, a new sign, rain garden, renovation of the flower bed with added drainage for storm water, and a sprinkler system. To donate toward the Peace Garden, make out a check to First Presbyterian Church and memo it with Peace Garden, or give online through the church website, selecting Peace Garden in the menu. May Peace Prevail on Earth.

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