“Daylilies, a Sermon Story” Romans 8:26-39 Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 12, Year A, July 26, 2020 First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho Andy Kennaly, Pastor “…the Spirit…
“Stirring Soul-Soil” Psalm 145:8-14 Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, July 5, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor This morning’s scriptures are…
“Prophetic Choices” Psalm 13 Jeremiah 28:5-9 Matthew 10:40-42 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, June 28, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor This morning we…
“Detachment” Jeremiah 20:7-13 Matthew 10:24-39 Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, June 21, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor The prophet Jeremiah was facing rough…
“Say the Names, Claim the Silence” Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 Matthew 9:35-10:8 Second Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, June 14, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor…
“Dominion: Ruling (AS or OVER) Servants” Genesis 1:20-2:3 Psalm 8, Psalm 24:1 Matthew 28:16-20 Trinity Sunday, Year A, June 7, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly,…
“More than 3-D” Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Acts 2:1-21 Pentecost Sunday, Year A, May 31, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor In life we’re used…
May 24th, 2020 - Words of Witness – Mickey Quinn As I was preparing for this worship service, I was struck by the passage of the scripture that I…
THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May 17, 2020 As I quoted Robert Webber in the Call to Worship he wrote, “the essential theme of Easter cannot be communicated in one…
“Infinite Love” Acts 7:55-60 John 14:1-14 Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year A, May 10, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor In 2017 my wife and…