The Eyes of Our Hearts

November 22, 2020
“The Eyes of Our Hearts” Ephesians 1:15-23         Matthew 25:31-46 Reign of Christ Sunday, Proper 29, Year A, November 22, 2020 First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho Andy Kennaly, Pastor           Matthew’s…

Wisdom’s Blessing Calls

November 8, 2020
“Wisdom’s Blessing Calls” Psalm 78:1-7       Matthew 25:1-13 Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 27, Year A November 8, 2020 First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho Andy Kennaly, Pastor           The early…


June 21, 2020
“Detachment” Jeremiah 20:7-13          Matthew 10:24-39 Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, June 21, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor           The prophet Jeremiah was facing rough…

Infinite Love

May 10, 2020
“Infinite Love” Acts 7:55-60        John 14:1-14 Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year A, May 10, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor           In 2017 my wife and…

Walking for Heart Health

April 26, 2020
“Walking for Heart Health” Acts 2:14a, 36-41   Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19  1 Peter 1:17-23    Luke 24:13-35 Third Sunday of Easter, Year A, April 26, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint,…

Fullness of Life

March 29, 2020
“Fullness of Life” Psalm 27:1 (Ezekiel 37:1-14) John 11:1-44 Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year A March 29, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor           This is…

Existential Choices

March 15, 2020
“Existential Choices” Psalm 95    John 4:5-42 Third Sunday in Lent, Year A March 15, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor           Psalm 95 mentions, “In [God’s]…
“Everything Is Connected” Psalm 121        John 3:1-17 Second Sunday in Lent, Year A, March 8, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor We worry, O…

Relational Righteousness

January 12, 2020
“Relational Righteousness” Isaiah 42:1-9        Matthew 3:13-17 Baptism of the Lord Sunday, Year A, January 12, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor           This has been a…

Are You Awake?

December 22, 2019
“Are You Awake?” Fourth Sunday of Advent YEAR A, December 22, 2019 Isaiah 7:10-16      Matthew 1:18-25 Andrew Kennaly, Sandpoint, Idaho           Have you ever had a vision, or dream, or…
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