Who Is This?

April 2, 2023
“Who Is This?” Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29    Matthew 21:1-11 Palm Sunday, Year A, April 2, 2023 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andrew Kennaly, Pastor   Today is Palm Sunday, one…
“To Till, and Keep, and Be Tempted” First Sunday in Lent Year A, February 26, 2023 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Andy Kennaly, Pastor           I attended Northland College…
“Christ Comes to Christ’s Own” Christmas Eve 5:30 PM, Year A, December 24, 2022 Isaiah 9:2-7          Psalm 96     Luke 2:1-20 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Pastor Andy Kennaly          …


December 4, 2022
Wilderness Voice Second Sunday of Advent, December 4, 2022, Andy Kennaly Isaiah 11:1-10      Romans 15:4-13  Matthew 3:1-12 Today I’m going to read an Advent devotional I’ve been working on. This…


September 25, 2022
“Disruptions” Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 25, 2022 Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15           Psalm 91:1-6        Luke 16:19-31 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Pastor Andy Kennaly Dyno, as worship leader has…
“The Renewing of the Mind” Year C Second Sunday after Pentecost June 19, 2022 Galatians 3:23-29          Luke 8:26-39 Pastor Andy Kennaly, First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho           In the Hebrew…

A Few Words

May 29, 2022
“A Few Words” Luke 24:44-53     John 17:20-26      Ephesians 1:15-23 Seventh Sunday of Easter – Ascension Day, Year C, May 29, 2022 Pastor Andy Kennaly, First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho          …

Peace I Give

May 22, 2022
“Peace I Give” Acts 16:9-15, John 14:23-29 Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C, May 22, 2022 RM2 Pastor Andy Kennaly, First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho   God is the infinity…

Live the Resurrection

April 17, 2022
“Live the Resurrection” Easter Sunday, Year C, April 17, 2022 Acts 10:34-43      Luke 24:1-12 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Pastor Andy Kennaly           Last week we called the Triumphal…

Source is as source does

March 27, 2022
“Source is as source does” Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year C, March 27, 2022 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32, Psalm 32 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Pastor Andy…
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