For God Alone

January 24, 2021
“For God Alone” 1 Corinthians 7:29-31   Psalm 62:5-12     Mark 1:14-20 Third Sunday after Epiphany, Year B, January 24, 2021 First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho Andy Kennaly, Pastor           When someone…

The Interior Regions

January 10, 2021
“The Interior Regions” Genesis 1:1-5       Acts 19:1-7          Mark 1:4-11 Baptism of the Lord Sunday, Year B, January 10, 2021 First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho Andy Kennaly, Pastor Well, we’ve had…

Seeing Is More Than Looking

January 19, 2020
“Seeing Is More Than Looking” Isaiah 49:1-7        Psalm 40:1-11     John 1:29-42 Second Sunday after Epiphany, Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A January 19, 2020 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint,…

Plan A, All Along

January 5, 2020
"Plan A, All Along" Year A Second Sunday After Christmas and Observing Epiphany, January 5, 2020 John 1:1-18, Ephesians 1:3-14 Pastor Andy Kennaly Sandpoint, Idaho           The Gregorian calendar has…
“The Eighth Day, a New Creation” Transfiguration Sunday, Year C, March 3, 2019 Exodus 34:29-35 Luke 9:28-36(37-43) First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Pastor Andy Kennaly “Theophany” is a fancy…

Open to Receiving

January 27, 2019
“Open to Receiving” Third Sunday of Epiphany, Year C, January 27, 2019 Psalm 19 Luke 4:14-21 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Pastor Andy Kennaly “Then Jesus, filled with the…

Filled to the Brim

January 20, 2019
“Filled to the Brim” Second Sunday of Epiphany, Year C, January 20, 2019 Psalm 36 Isaiah 62:1-5 John 2:1-11 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Pastor Andy Kennaly Today we…

Hearts that Hear

January 13, 2019
“Hearts that Hear” Baptism of the Lord Sunday, Year C, January 13, 2019 Psalm 29 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Pastor Andy Kennaly Kenosis is a…

Presenting Poetry

January 6, 2019
“Presenting Poetry” Epiphany Sunday, Year C, January 6, 2019 Isaiah 60:1-6 Matthew 2:1-12 First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho Pastor Andy Kennaly On Friday as we were setting up for…
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