Tell Us Plainly

May 8, 2022
“Tell us plainly” Psalm 23               John 10:22-30 Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year C, May 8, 2022 Pastor Andy Kennaly, First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho           Rain and cool weather have…

Advent 3

December 12, 2021
“ADVENT 3” Philippians 4:4-7           Luke 3:7-18 Third Sunday of Advent, Year C, December 12, 2021 First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho Andy Kennaly, Pastor           We have eyes on the front…

Do Welcome with Meekness

August 29, 2021
“Do Welcome with Meekness” James 1:17-27      Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B, August 29, 2021 First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho Andy Kennaly, Pastor           Pharisees…
“Immeasurable Knowledge” Ephesians 1:15-23         Luke 24:44-53 Seventh Sunday after Easter, Year B, May 16, 2021 First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho Andy Kennaly, Pastor           We lived in Montana when our…
“The Gate of Heaven (is everywhere)” Romans 12:1-8    Matthew 16:13-20 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 16, Year A, August 23, 2020 First Presbyterian Church, Sandpoint, Idaho Andy Kennaly, Pastor          …
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