February 20, 2022

Trust, Delight, Commit

Passage: Luke 6:27-38
Service Type:

“Trust, Delight, Commit”

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, Year C, February 22, 2022

Genesis 45:3-11, 15      Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40    Luke 6:27-38

First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho

Pastor Andy Kennaly

          All three of this morning’s scripture readings are loaded with cultural influences, spiritual practices, and divine promises.  Struggling with wrongdoers, trusting in the Lord, and hearing that the meek shall inherit the land are core aspects of the Christian journey, basic to our experience of faith and our living as human beings.  Not only do these stories highlight specific people in particular places, like Joseph in Egypt (I share a story about singing in a musical production) and Jesus on the plain, but they speak to the larger identity of what its like to be alive in the world.  The truths within these stories echo through the ages.

“But I say to you that listen, Love, do good, bless, pray.”  Jesus gives these actions as foundation to the more contextual cultural expressions, such as turning the other cheek or giving away your coat and shirt.  Jesus was a

pacifist, much like Christians of the early church, who, for the first 300 years after Jesus, would not participate in the violence of the military or warfare.  Jesus practiced non-violence.  To be like Jesus, these commands ground us in the power of active, non-violent resistance.  Remember, being a pacifist is different than doing nothing.  It just means that what you do is non-violent.  It affects all aspects of life, from political to economic, from public to private, and like most things in life the actions are rooted in a deep heart-space of spiritual formation.

That’s why Jesus says right away, “But I say to you that listen.” Not everybody’s interested in listening, not everyone seeks or invites the tough, inner work to become self-aware.  Jesus speaks on a heart level, and not everyone is open at those transformational depths.  But for those who are open, for those who claim the humility of spiritual spaciousness, then listening is more than with your ears, and what Jesus says is received at a faith level.

Notice the dramatic and distinct contrasts, which make no sense to the mental structures of the mind or a scientific angle, as Jesus links the action of love with the word “enemy,” and doing good connected with “those who hate you.”  A similar spectrum is involved with “blessing those who curse you,” and praying accompanies no less than the word, “abusers.”  People who abuse, curse, hate, and are enemies are seemingly the opposite of those who pray, bless, do good, and love.  Dynamics involved with this tension have to do with power and authority.  Abusers tend to have power over people through positions of authority.  Abuse of power and authority is destructive, and victims are often silenced.

Jesus does not invite his followers to take peoples coats, or steal peoples’ shirts, or slap people across the face.  Jesus does not promote aggression at all.  Jesus speaks to people who are violated.  He speaks to those who know what its like to suffer.  He addresses victims but does not identify them with a victim mentality.  Just the opposite, he empowers them to claim their inherent honor as those created by God.  Jesus teaches them to live into the dignity of all things as loved by God.  Jesus reminds them of the ongoing connection they have at their disposal in and through relationship with God.  Jesus lives into the unity he shares with all other things as expressions of the Cosmic, Living Christ.  This unity is so foundational and solid that even love for enemies is possible because those distinctions are not ultimate.

The Psalmist is similar in the call to trust in the LORD, and do good; to delight in the LORD, and to commit ones’ way to the LORD.  Trust, delight, and commitment are possible because they are relational, and God Almighty is active.  Living in the image of God, with our focus on God’s Presence and qualities of love is what really matters.

Notice the verbs shared in these passages that lead us through this encouragement in life: love, do good, lend, be merciful, do not judge, do not condemn, forgive, give, for the measure you give is what you get back; even how you measure matters.

Christianity is a positive message to the world, grounded and centered in Christ, expressed through love’s connective actions, embodied as incarnation and “God with us” is participation in the larger creation story.

By the way, someone could demand a coat, but to take their shirt was illegal.  Someone with power and position could legally strike the face of a subordinate or a slave.  But to turn the other cheek was a way to force their hand to strike again in a way that was culturally shaming to the one doing the slapping.  These examples force wrongdoers into looking at their actions, hopefully to notice the absurdity.  They also show that people don’t have to take abuse, but they can call people to account.  The intent is not revenge, not to damage another, because this simply perpetuates wounds, and whether you are a perpetrator or a victim, at the source it all is pain.  Jesus offers release from pain to all people, teaches us how to let go, so we may embrace a higher energy, a life-giving promise, the very love of God.

As we come to the end of the Season of Epiphany, the greatest lesson these stories share is the Reality of Grace in the sure and certain Presence of God, and that we are participants in the Divine Dance of the Trinity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit take us into their whirling, covenant Presence.  This is the source of all goodness and mercy, forgiveness, and peace.

As we follow the Jesus Way, may we stay open to listening, and continue the hard, inner work of shadow boxing in our own heart.  Seek to be self-aware and trust, delight, and commit as we to trust God more, to love more deeply, to live more simply as we watch for God’s action and activity.

As we follow Christ, may God be glorified, NOW, even as forever.  Amen.


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