Peace Garden Work Morning
Bring your work gloves or kitchen skills and come to the Peace Garden Work Morning. Saturday, September 15, 9:00 a.m. through lunch. We will be adding the Little Free Library…
Bring your work gloves or kitchen skills and come to the Peace Garden Work Morning. Saturday, September 15, 9:00 a.m. through lunch. We will be adding the Little Free Library…
Church Breakfast at Connie's Cafe (just one block south of the church on N. Fourth Ave.) begins on Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m. Come for food, fellowship, a spiritual reflection,…
PEACE GARDEN GRANT RECEIVED The Presbytery of the Inland Northwest awarded a grant of $5,000 to the Peace Garden of First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint in June. Judy Labrie drafted…
Kids Alive Day Camp, in partnership with Camp Lutherhaven, First Lutheran Church, Sandpoint United Methodist Church, and Luther Park, is a great way to share God's love with kids. Monday…
July 22nd 9:30 A.M. SANDPOINT CITY BEACH SERVICE / BLESSING OF THE BICYCLES We will add a new activity to our annual Sandpoint City Beach Worship Service – A Blessing…
FROM THE PASTOR… It seems like summer just started, and June is already over! I was working in my garden the other day, doing some transplanting of flowers and vegetable…
FROM THE PASTOR… Summer has begun! In the summer, people generally do things a little differently than in the winter months. Even at church, we worship earlier because the sun…
ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING For 2018, First Presbyterian Church GAVE $935 FOR THE ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING SPECIAL OFFERING. Of particular interest to me was the part of…
We should rejoice about some accomplishments of the past year that did NOT drain the church budget or our personal budgets, because they were using the maxim of “Reuse, Repurpose,…