First Presbyterian Church

a beautiful place for weddings


Wedding bouquet

Many generations of families can trace a specific wedding day to the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint, Idaho. The Session (Governing Group of Ruling Elders) of First Presbyterian Church has developed a Wedding Policy and must approve all wedding requests. The policy lists out the fee structure, various instructions, and collects contact information. Pre-marital conversations with the Pastor, or with a counselor on special arrangement, are required. All weddings held on church property shall be administered by the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church. Wedding services may also be held offsite, such as at a home or outdoor setting.

Couples who wish to be married at First Presbyterian Church should begin by contacting the church office to arrange a tentative date, request a copy of the Wedding Policy, and to coordinate with the Pastor for pre-marital conversations.

Service Times

Worship Service:
September to May – Sundays 10:30 am
June through August – Sundays 9:30 am

Adult Christian Education:
September to May – Sundays 9:00 – 10:00 am


First Presbyterian Church
417 N 4th Ave
Sandpoint, ID 83864

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